Software for Initial Value Problems

The code GAM numerically solves solves first order ordinary differential equations, either stiff or nonstiff in the form y'=f(x,y), with a given initial condition. The code GAMD is a generalization of GAM for the solution of Differential Algebraic Equations of index less than or equal to 3 in the form M y' = f(x,y), with a given initial condition. The methods used in both codes are in the class of Boundary Value Methods (BVMs), namely the Generalized Adams Methods (GAMs) of order 3,5,7,9 with step size control [1,2,3,4].


[1] L.BRUGNANO, D.TRIGIANTE, Solving Differential Problems by Multistep Initial and Boundary Value Methods, Gordon & Breach, Amsterdam, 1998.

[2] F.IAVERNARO, F.MAZZIA, Block-Boundary Value Methods for the solution of Ordinary Differential Equation. Siam J. Sci. Comput. 21 (1) (1999) 323--339. Full paper.

[3] F.IAVERNARO, F.MAZZIA, Solving Ordinary Differential Equations by Generalized Adams Methods: properties and implementation techniques, proceedings of NUMDIFF8, Appl. Num. Math. 28 (2-4) (1998) 107-126. Full paper.

[4] BVMs Bibliography.

This page is maintained by Francesca Mazzia (

Last Update: November 25, 1999
